B20 top porta

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Joined: Wed Mar 02, 2005 2:08 pm
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B20 top porta

Post by Ben_Flierman »

Hello Swedish volvo guys! Since there seems to be a lot of knowlegde on 'Trimmad motor' on this forum, I'd like to ask some questions. Since I dont speak swedish, I'll try english. :wink:

The early B20A heads have a very low exhaust port floor all the way to the manifold surface. The late B20A and the injected E and F-heads have a somewhat higher port floor at the valve side, which goes down to 'normal' height again at the manifold surface. The late heads therefore have -at least some- short side radius.
My question is: which one would flow best? And should you grind away the thicker port floor on the late type heads, or leave it? Do you guys have some general tips on how to port a B20 head, and what to do, and what not to do?

Thanks in advance!

Greetings from Holland,
P131, '65, B20B+M47. P131, '69, B20E+AW71L+LSD. (http://www.tinustechniek.tk)
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